Gestion de l’art rupestre et dynamiques touristiques dans le massif de
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
Environmental archaeology, Heritage studies, Rock art studies
Heritage Management in Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
Heritage studies
Histoire de la poterie carénée en Afrique centrale forestière.
Republic of the Congo
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, 1000 to 2000 BP, Theory and method, Pottery studies
Histoire et politique sur le site de Kuva (DGB-1), Nord-Cameroun
13th Congress, Dakar
Younger than 500 BP, Buildings, towns and states
Historical archaeology in the Southern Sudan
South Sudan
13th Congress, Dakar
Historical archaeology
Human-Environment Interactions: Yoruba Dietary Pattern as strategy
13th Congress, Dakar
Environmental archaeology
Iconography in The Pygmy Rock Art of Uganda: Symbolism of Dumbbells and Circles.
13th Congress, Dakar
Ethno-archaeology, Rock art studies
Identifying The Gambia’s Atlantic past.
13th Congress, Dakar
Younger than 500 BP, Historical archaeology
Identités culturelles et territoires à la fin du Néolithique dans les contreforts occidentaux de l’Aïr (Niger, 3e/2e millénaires BC).
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, Archaeometry, Pottery studies
Iho-Oloko rock shelter, Ikere-Ekiti, southwestern Nigeria: insights into its archaeology and place in the culture history of the Yoruba – Edo region
13th Congress, Dakar
10,000 to 40,000 BP, Theory and method
Impact Assessment of Cultural Heritage Sites in Ile-Ife.
13th Congress, Dakar
Heritage studies
Increasing biocultural diversity of historical ‘African’ populations: two case studies using morphometrics and various contextual data.
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
Younger than 500 BP, Historical archaeology
Indigenous iron production in South Africa: the case of Rhenosterkloof, Limpopo province
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
1000 to 2000 BP
Indigenous Iron smelting in Ethiopia: The role of ethoarchaeology in preserving the disappearing knowledge among the Oromo of Wollega
13th Congress, Dakar
Ethno-archaeology, Metallurgical studies
Individualistic Technological Strategies for Lithic Core Reduction: insights into Middle Stone Age industrial variability.
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, Lithic studies
Indoors versus outdoors at Songo Mnara: Insights from intra-site geoarchaeology and archaeobotany.
13th Congress, Dakar
Archaeometry, Environmental archaeology
Intangible Heritage, Identity, and Archaeology at Kaya Mudzi Mwiru
13th Congress, Dakar
Heritage studies
Integrating lithic analysis in tracking migrations out of Africa: new data from Jebel Gharbi, Libya.
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, Lithic studies
Intensive El Niño and the Iron Age of South-eastern Africa.
Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, 1000 to 2000 BP, 500 to 1000 BP
Inter-Action in Local Perspective: Material Practice at Diouboye, Senegal (ca. AD 500-1000).
13th Congress, Dakar
1000 to 2000 BP, Ethno-archaeology
Intra- and Inter-Group Relations in Yoruba Northern Frontier.
13th Congress, Dakar
Younger than 500 BP
Introduction to the project Diepkloof (Western Cape Province, South Africa): history and presentation of the site / Le projet Diepkloof (Province du Western Cape, Afrique du Sud): historique et présentation du site.
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, 10,000 to 40,000 BP, Archaeometry, Environmental archaeology, Lithic studies, Zooarchaeology
Isotopes and history: Tracing the links between elephants, humans, and land use in East Africa during the 19th century ivory trade
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Somalia
13th Congress, Dakar
Environmental archaeology
La percussion tendre organique dans l’Acheuléen d’Afrique orientale. Relations entre matière première lithique et technique
13th Congress, Dakar
Environmental archaeology, Lithic studies
La période de l’holocène en Cyrénaïque (Libye). Nouvelles données et
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, Archaeometry, Rock art studies