Iconography in The Pygmy Rock Art of Uganda: Symbolism of Dumbbells and Circles.

  • Author: Catherine Namono
  • Topic: Ethno-archaeology,Rock art studies
  • Country: Uganda
  • Related Congress: 13th Congress, Dakar

its obscure nature resulting in a lack of understanding of its symbolism. This paper offers significant and substantial nuanced interpretations of dumbbells and circular shapes in the rock art repertoire of Uganda. The interpretation, based on Pygmy ethnographies, provides perceptions of Pygmy identity and worldview. It demonstrates the associations of these shapes in Pygmy thought and attempts to explain their symbolism. In so doing, it places Ugandan rock art into a new conceptual framework stressing Pygmy affiliations, evoking regenerative and transformative powers. This new understanding unlocks aspects of geometric rock art hitherto not understood.

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