Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of pottery and terracotta of the Nok Culture, Nigeria
13th Congress, Dakar
Archaeometry, Pottery studies
Mobile or Sedentary: Proxies for Movement and Cultural Transmission from Holocene Prehistory in Northern Kenya
13th Congress, Dakar
Environmental archaeology, Zooarchaeology
Molecular study of an organic residue on a Howiesons Poort backed segment from Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa / Étude moléculaire d’un résidu organique sur une pièce à dos Howiesons Poort de l’abri Diepkloof, Afrique du Sud
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
Archaeometry, Environmental archaeology
Mouchiabaka rock shelter: a hunter gatherer mark in the landscape of Manica District, Manica Province, Mozambique.
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, 1000 to 2000 BP, Lithic studies, Rock art studies
MSA cultural evolution in southern Africa: a multidisciplinary view from Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape Province, South Africa) /Le scénario du changement culturel chez les sociétés MSA d’Afriqueaustrale : approche pluridisciplinaire de la séquence de l’abri Diepkloof (Western Cape Province, Afrique du Sud).
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, 10,000 to 40,000 BP, Theory and method
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, Human remains, Rock art studies
Natural Synthesis: A Tool to opposing European Teaching method of visual arts in Nigeria.
13th Congress, Dakar
Theory and method
Negus Kabri: A Middle Stone Age site at Asbole, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia.
13th Congress, Dakar
Older than 250,000 BP, 40,000 to 250,000 BP, Archaeometry
New Archaeological research in the Niger and Sirba Valleys (SW Niger)
13th Congress, Dakar
500 to 1000 BP, Younger than 500 BP, Buildings, towns and states, Metallurgical studies
New Archaeological research in the Niger and Sirba Valleys (SW Niger)
13th Congress, Dakar
500 to 1000 BP, Younger than 500 BP, Buildings, towns and states, Metallurgical studies
New luminescence ages for burnt lithics from Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa / Nouvelles datations par les méthodes de la luminescence appliquées aux pierres chauffées de l’abri Diepkloof, Afrique du Sud.
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, Archaeometry, Lithic studies
News on the rock art of the central Saharan massifs: the TadrartAkakus and the Messak Settafet (Libyan Fezzan).
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, Rock art studies
Not That Much Technological Complexity: Revisiting The Lower Pleistocen Type Section Assemblages of Peninj (Lake Natron, Tanzania)
13th Congress, Dakar
Human remains, Lithic studies, Metallurgical studies
Note sur les données relatives a la forme symétrique, la standardisation et l’esthétique des bifaces acheuléens d’el ma labiod, tébessa, Algérie orientale.
13th Congress, Dakar
Older than 250,000 BP, 40,000 to 250,000 BP, Lithic studies
Nouveaux témoins d’une domestication précoce du boeuf en Afrique : le cas de Wadi El-Arab au 8e millénaire av. J.-C. (Soudan).
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, Zooarchaeology
Nouvelles données sur la faune des villages pré-dogon de la plaine du.
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP, 1000 to 2000 BP, Zooarchaeology
Oldowan-Early Acheulean Macro-Fauna from the Basal Layers of Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa: Taxonomy, Paleoecology and Taphonomy
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
Older than 250,000 BP, Zooarchaeology
On the way to the west – The Kushite fortress Gala Abu Ahmed in lower Wadi Howar, Northern Sudan.
13th Congress, Dakar
2000 to 10,000 BP
Ounjougou (Pays dogon, Mali) : une fenêtre ouverte sur le peuplement de l’Afrique de l’Ouest subsaharienne au Paléolithique moyen.
13th Congress, Dakar
Older than 250,000 BP, 40,000 to 250,000 BP, Archaeometry, Lithic studies
Paléo-environnements du littoral atlantique marocain et occupation des sites au Pléistocène supérieur : Exemple de l’étude des faunes des sites de la région de Témara (El Harhoura 2, El Mnasra et Dar es Soltane 2)
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP, Human remains, Zooarchaeology
Passport Masks
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo
13th Congress, Dakar
Theory and method
Past or present land degradation? Soil erosion histories and past human land use in the Pare Mountains, NE Tanzania.
13th Congress, Dakar
1000 to 2000 BP, Environmental archaeology
Patrimoine archéologique et développement économique dans le Gulmu au Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso
13th Congress, Dakar
Heritage studies
Patterns of symbolic communication during the Howiesons Poort at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa: the engraved ostrich eggshell collection / Les témoins d’expression symbolique de l’abri Diepkloof, Afriquedu Sud : les coquilles gravées d’oeufs d’autruche de l’HowiesonsPoort.
South Africa
13th Congress, Dakar
40,000 to 250,000 BP
Paysages du feu en savane ouest-africaine. Le rôle des feux et incendies dans la construction des paysages végétaux soudano-sahéliens à l’Holocène / Fire Landscapes in the West-African savanna. The role offires in the construction of the Sudano-Sahelian vegetation landscapes during the Holocene
13th Congress, Dakar