Resources - Abstracts

Title/Author Country Related Congress Topic
Peut-on pratiquer l’archéologie préventive au Cameroun ? Cameroon 13th Congress, Dakar Buildings, towns and states
Plant Remains from Songo Mnara: Preliminary Results from Fieldwork and Laboratory Analyses. Tanzania 13th Congress, Dakar Archaeometry, Environmental archaeology
Political change in the late Predynastic and Protodynastic of ancient Egypt. Egypt 13th Congress, Dakar Theory and method
Politics of heritage management in the war torn Horn of Africa Ethiopia 13th Congress, Dakar Heritage studies
Postcolonial Teaching of Archaeology: Lessons Learned. 13th Congress, Dakar Theory and method
Poster 1: Remote sensing, archaeology and palaeoenvironments in the Lake Manyara and Engaruka Basins, Tanzania. Tanzania 13th Congress, Dakar 10,000 to 40,000 BP, 2000 to 10,000 BP, Theory and method
Poster 2: Examining the lithic reduction intensity: a case study from the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya. Kenya 13th Congress, Dakar 2000 to 10,000 BP, Pottery studies
Poterie et univers mental dans l’espace sénégambien : introduction au patrimoine immatériel. Gambia, Senegal 13th Congress, Dakar Heritage studies, Pottery studies
Pots, plants and people: an interdisciplinary documentation of Baïnouk knowledge systems. Ethnoarchaeological approach. Gambia, Senegal 13th Congress, Dakar Ethno-archaeology
Pots, plants and people: an interdisciplinary documentation of Baïnouk knowledge systems. Linguistic component Niger, Republic of the Congo, Senegal 13th Congress, Dakar Ethno-archaeology, Heritage studies, Pottery studies
Potter Communities and Technological Tradition in the Lower Tilemsi Valley, Mali Mali 13th Congress, Dakar 2000 to 10,000 BP, Buildings, towns and states
Power and Landscape in Southern Bénin: Commercial Entanglement and the Question of Scale in the Archaeology of Atlantic West Africa Benin 13th Congress, Dakar Buildings, towns and states, Ethno-archaeology, Historical archaeology
Pratiques funéraires dans le mégalithisme sénégambien: état des lieux et perspectives Gambia, Senegal 13th Congress, Dakar Human remains
Pre-colonial iron production in western Uganda: recent research and new perspectives. Uganda 13th Congress, Dakar 1000 to 2000 BP, 500 to 1000 BP, Environmental archaeology, Ethno-archaeology, Metallurgical studies
Prehistoric East Africa in the Indian Ocean. Burundi, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda 13th Congress, Dakar 10,000 to 40,000 BP, 2000 to 10,000 BP, 500 to 1000 BP, Environmental archaeology, Zooarchaeology
Preservation the African Languages using the new Information and Communication Technology (ICTs): th 13th Congress, Dakar Ethno-archaeology, Heritage studies
Prison pedagogy: teaching ancient African history at San Quentin Prison, USA. 13th Congress, Dakar Theory and method
Production du fer au pays dogon (Mali) : traditions techniques et identité des metallurgists / Iron production in the Dogon area (Mali): technological traditions and identity of the ironworkers. Mali 13th Congress, Dakar 1000 to 2000 BP, Younger than 500 BP, Ethno-archaeology, Historical archaeology, Metallurgical studies
Progress in the Durbi Takusheyi Burial Project. Nigeria 13th Congress, Dakar 1000 to 2000 BP, Buildings, towns and states
Protecting the Past at James Island: The Complexity of Heritage Conservation at a Slave Trading Site in The Gambia Gambia 13th Congress, Dakar Archaeometry, Heritage studies
Provenance Studies on Okun Pottery, Kogi State, Central Nigeria Nigeria 13th Congress, Dakar Pottery studies
Qualitative Cultural Heritage Preservation and Management in Jos Museum, North Central Nigeria - A Tool for Tourism Promotion in the 21st Century Nigeria 13th Congress, Dakar Heritage studies
Quel lien entre les ateliers de taille de Ngo Tchororo et la céramique de Batalimo (RCA) ? / Stone knappers at Ngo Tchororo and pottery makers at Batalimo (CRA), did they meet ? Central African Republic 13th Congress, Dakar 2000 to 10,000 BP, 1000 to 2000 BP, Pottery studies
Radiocarbon dating of coastal sites and new determinations of ΔR. 13th Congress, Dakar 500 to 1000 BP, Younger than 500 BP, Archaeometry
Recent excavations at Gao Saney (Mali): New evidence for early trade Mali 13th Congress, Dakar

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