Actes des congrès
1952 Leakey, L.S.B. (ed.) Proceedings of the Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, 1947. New York: Philosophical Library.
1955 Balout, L. (éd.) Actes du IIème Congrès Panafricain de Préhistoire d’Alger 1952. Casablanca: Edita.
1957 Clark, J.D. (ed.) Third Pan-African Congress on Prehistory, Livingstone 1955. London: Chatto & Windus.
1962 Mortelmans, G. & Nenquin, J. (éds) Actes du IVe Congrès Panafricain de Préhistoire et de l’étude du Quaternaire. Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale. Partie administrative. Section I. Géologie, paléontologie générale et climatologie. Section II. Paléontologie humaine. 4◦ mayor, VIII. Section III. Pre-et Protohistoire. Annales Série in -8◦, Sciences Humaines 40.
1966 Cuscoy, L.D. (eds) Actas del V Congreso Panafricano de Prehistoria y de Estudio del Cuaternario. II Vols. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Museo Arqueológico.
1972 Hugo, H. (éd.) Sixieme Congrès Panafricain de Préhistoire et de l’étude du Quaternaire, Dakar 1967. Chambéry: Les Imprimeries Réunies de Chambéry.
1976 Abébé, B., Chavaillon, N. & Sutton, J.E.G. (eds) Proceedings of the Seventh Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies, 1971, Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa: Ministry of Culture.
1980 Leakey, R.E. & Ogot, B.E. (eds) Proceedings of the 8th Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies, Nairobi, September 1977. Nairobi: Louis Leakey Memorial Institute for African Prehistory.
1993 Andah, B.W., de Maret, P. & Soper, R.C. (eds) Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Quaternary Studies. Ibadan: Rex Charles Publications.
1996 Pwiti, G. & Soper, R.C. (eds) Aspects of African Archaeology: Papers from the 10th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Studies. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
2004 Sanogo, S. & Togola, T. (eds) Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the PanAfrican Association for Prehistory and Related Fields. Bamako: Institut des Sciences Humaines.