Megalithic Migration Marks between Mainland, Madagasca and Melanesia – New evidence supporting former hypotheses

  • Author: Henry Dosedla
  • Topic: Theory and method
  • Country: Madagascar
  • Related Congress: 13th Congress, Dakar

According to various hypotheses there is evidence of ancient migration
routes linking the Asian and African mainland across a great part of the
Indonesian island chain with the Melanesian archipelago though there are
still ongoing debates on the prehistoric or historical periods when these
might have taken place. Recent investigations among tribal societies not only
in the coastal areas but especially in the interior highlands of New Guinea
dealing with archaeological findings as well as funeral customs and adequate
mythical oral lore could produce striking parallels with the so-called Megalith
complex revealing interesting new possibilities towards a solution of
questions concerning yet unsolved details of possible historical circumstances
of these migration movements

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